Tuesday, September 20, 2011


あたしは Princeton 大学の二年生です。名前は 沙織 (Saori)です。(あ,実はあたしが日本語の名前はありません。でも“沙織”が好きです。)どうぞよろしくお願いします!

大学で日本語を勉強します。I have just started learning Japanese this year, and I am really excited about it! I have always wanted to learn Japanese! If you ask me why, well... I think it all started when my friend introduced me to NARUTO and the world of 漫画 and anime, at the tender age of twelve, or maybe it was before that, when my childhood friend moved to Tokyo, or maybe it was even earlier than that, watching Cardcaptor Sakura as a kid and getting jealous of the pretty names... I can't really say.

Oh wow, Sakura was such a baby. It's so weird looking at it now... >_<
Thankfully, there's a grown-up version too! Here comes Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles (Epic Art Edition~) 

Anyway, back to the point. Like most of our generation, I grew up alongside Japanese anime culture (which one of us can honestly say they have never seen Pokemon!!), and like a lot of other kids, I jumped headfirst into it as soon as I got the chance (although I'm more of a manga person than an anime person). Hence my fascination with Japan.

Now I guess there's other reasons why I decided to learn Japanese here and now. First, after a year of Korean, I realized that the EAS department at Princeton was awesome. Second, I decided it would be really cool to be fluent in all three East Asian languages. (Sorry, Vietnamese only half-counts. And besides it's too hard. I'll stick to Korapaninese, thanks. (That's Korean, Japanese and Chinese, by the way. =P)) And last but not least, my roommate this year is Japanese and I pretty much joined JSA last year during the tsunami relief efforts, so there's a lot of Japanese-speaking people around me, and I'd love to be able to understand them and communicate with them. (Good luck me... That's going to take forever. =__=)

Ok, well, I should go and study now. 加油!!

1 comment:

  1. はじめまして。 わたしわ のおとるだむだいがくの がくせいです。 むずかし かんじが たくさん ありますだよね。 ぜんぜん よめるできません。 That’s going to be really difficult mastering all three languages. I’m actually a Korean studying Japanese, so it’s similar enough but distinguishable writing differences. But good luck telling apart Chinese Hanzi and Japanese Kanji... From your Kanji and your name, it seems like you already have a solid Japanese background.
    Well, anyways, TRC is awesome, and I like CLAMP in general. Have a fun semester.
