Tuesday, October 25, 2011


今週は中間試験があります。あたしは木曜日で試験(five!)がありますからたくさん勉強します。頑張ります!               ガンバ━━━o(・`ω´・)○))━━━ ル!!! 

中間試験=ちゅうかんしけん (midterm exam)
頑張る=がんばる (to try hard, to try one's best)

Monday, October 24, 2011

太陽の歌(The Movie)

昨日の晩、あたしは映画を見ました。映画の名前は“太陽の歌”(たいようのうた=Song of the Sun)です。悲しい映画です。映画の中にYUIがいます。YUIは有名な歌手です。YUIの歌とYUIの声はとてもきれいですよ。みんなさんもYUIの歌を聞いてください!

"Song of the Sun" (or in English, "Midnight Sun", I think) is about a girl with a rare disease which makes UV radiation potentially lethal to her. Because of this condition, she can't go out during the day, so she sleeps the days away and goes out at night to play guitar and sing in front of a station. The movie tells her touching story starting from her meeting and budding relationship with a young boy.

Mah, this is how I procrastinate...

悲しい=かなしい (to be sad)
歌手=かしゅ (singer)
歌=うた (song)
声=こえ (voice)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011



フー、最近疲れました。( - _-)–3

In Korean class, we have to keep not a blog, but a journal. And it has to be all in Korean.
This is the notebook that I'm using. I think it helps that the notebook is cute.

日記=にっき (diary)
最近=さいきん (lately)
疲れる=つかれる (to be tired)
書く=かく (to write) (書きます)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

First Cycle Goal Statement

The first cycle of Pronunciation Exercise (shortened, funnily enough, as PE) is starting. For the next three weeks or so, my goal is to be able to pronounce Japanese vowels, especially long vowels, more naturally. I also want to be able to speak faster and more naturally without losing the right intonation of words.

Activities: I will go to Japanese Language table at least once a week (either the one in Forbes on Monday, or the one in Matthey on Tuesday), I will try to practice with a native speaker (thankfully, my roommate counts), and I will watch at least two episodes of anime per week, shadowing for at least twenty minutes a week.

It looks daunting... Especially the shadowing, actually. I always find it awkward to speak out loud to myself (incidentally, that's why I hate phone calls especially when I don't know the person at the other end very well or at all...) But I'll do my best!!