Sunday, April 29, 2012

単語をどう覚えますか?How do you memorize new vocab?


For me, learning new vocabulary has always been the hardest part of learning a language. Usually, I have to use the words a lot and often, in order to remember them in the long-term. But when there is no one on your level to practice with, that's really hard to do. A lot of people like to use flash-cards – I've never had the courage to start that endeavor. I tend to write a list of the words I don't know very well and then copy that list over and over again. But I've always wanted to try flashcards, or a computer software that would work like that.


Yesterday, I was introduced to a new website for memorizing new vocabulary. The name is Memrise, and it's amazing. Not only does it work as a flash-card software where you can build your own database of vocab words, it also gives you access to other people's public databases so you can randomly start learning new words and/or new languages. On top of that, it has a very cute system of "growing" your vocabulary like a garden, and each word starts off as a seed and grows up into a flower when you have proven that you know it by answering the randomly generated questions.

言語=げんご (language)
単語=たんご (vocab)
覚える=おぼえる (to remember, memorize)
難しい=むずかしい (to be hard)
易しい=やさしい (to be easy)
方法=ほうほう (method, solution)
見つける=みつける (to find)
全部=ぜんぶ (everything, all)
助け=たすけ  (help)
知る=しる (to know)

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