Sunday, March 17, 2013

P.E. End of Phase 1

大変です〜忘れました ( ̄ロ ̄|||)

P.E. Phase 1: Reflections

Evaluating my P.E. related activities: 
1. Go to Japanese language table regularly: I've realized that I'm not really free on Monday and Tuesday nights – I've only made it to one Japanese table thus far...
2. Speak to a friend only in Japanese for at least twenty minutes once a week: Key word "only"... I've talked to friends in Japanese more and more throughout the semester though, so this is not a total failure. It's just hard not to switch to Korean, which is much more comfortable for me, and the language we're used to speaking to each other. A major achievement though: last time we spoke, I naturally went into Japanese half-way through the conversation several time. Had to switch back every time there was something I couldn't say though.
3. Take the P.E. exercises seriously and do more than the minimum exercises: This has gone quite well so far.
4. Do some singing shadowing: That was mostly for fun... and it was fun. May or may not try it again.

Evaluating my P.E. goals:
1. To get used to speaking Japanese: I guess this is going well. I want to keep improving my speaking, though.
2. To be able to speak more naturally (without foreign-sounding pauses, using Japanese placeholders): Yep, going well. I'm definitely using a lot of Japanese placeholders nowadays. Next step, use less placeholders in general?
3. To improve my intonation: I guess there was improvement there. The problem is, I really can't tell unless I'm listening to myself, and even then, my mistakes are usually linked to word intonation – so my problem is mostly that I need to learn the correct intonation of words when I learn them and practice saying them a lot.

P.E. Phase 2:

To become more comfortable with a broader range of vocabulary in terms of intonation and use in regular conversation. This is really the only concrete goal I have right now (or in broader terms: become more fluent).

Setting Activities:
1. Watch at least one episode of Japanese anime/drama a week. I might start going to anime club again, or just watch drama in my room. This is to get used to hearing new words in context and trying to learn the intonation of new words.
2. Speaking with friends in Japanese whenever possible – even when it's just random sentences in Japanese in the middle of an English conversation. I should be good at that, I used to do that with English all the time.
3. When learning new vocabulary words, practice saying them out loud, and practice saying them in a sentence.

みなさんおやすみ〜 Have some emoji:



(◡ฺ ω◡ฺ)

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